Thursday, October 30, 2014

I'm a Winner!

A few weeks ago one of my favourite artists, Angela Smythe, had a contest on faceBook.
The winner would receive a print of her wonderful Mr. Fox entitled "Take that Leap of Faith", along with several other goodies featuring her delicious artwork.

To enter the contest one wrote of their own personal "leap of faith". 
I told of my daily leaps during the last year, 
dealing with my diagnosis of cancer.

Imagine my surprise and delight when Angela
 notified me I was one of three winners!

My package arrived a few days ago and 
you can see what marvelous artwork it contained.  
I'm still blown away and a very happy recipient!  
Thank you Angela! 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Hunting and Gathering

Back to feeling normal!! And - back in the studio!

This is an idea that's been rolling around 
in my head for awhile now.

So I started "hunting and gathering"
 through my stash yesterday,

 and came up with vintage watercoloured
postcards from Cornwall, 
cabinet card photos from the late 1800's,
a few tiny frozen Charlottes, a blue gear, small hinges,
a glass vial, a rusty key and some handmade paper.

Something will emerge - a quasi travel journal 
from the turn of the last century?
I'll keep you posted!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Ciao to Venice - for Now

Well - Murphy's Law, the best laid plans, etc., etc.  The last couple of weeks I've not been feeling great which culminated in a trip to the emergency room on Friday.  Had to have the billiary drain put back in, so instead of flying off to Venice in two days, will spend a few weeks recovering and getting my strength back.  If I could  just have cancer without all the side dishes, it would be so much easier!
We plan to reschedule, hopefully soon after the new year. I am so blessed to be married to the most wonderful woman in the world.  Margot is getting us through this latest setback with grace and aplomb and so much love.

Friday, October 3, 2014