Underground London 20x18"
Here's the finished piece. The substrata, I picked it up at the local swap meet, is a shadowbox/faux type drawer kind of thing. I painted the various openings in red oxide, titanium buff, and carbon black. Several of the openings have bits of The London Illustrated Times from 1860 (an eBay find several years ago) in them.
Then I used heavy gel medium to affix all
the various pieces of 3D ephemera.
How fun it was to go through cigar boxes, tea tins and
vintage suitcases re-finding all these
treasures that I've amassed over the years!
The final touch was to drip cream and red
oxide encaustic wax over the piece.
It gives it a rather ghostly appearance,
as on the number tag above,
which seems to add to the illusion of history.
Underground London will be featured at the
Art Girlz in Autumn Studio Show,
on Sunday September 28 10-5,
here at Altered by the Sea Studio in Morro Bay.