The 13 Journals round-robin project grew out of all of us attending the True Colors Workshop at
The ARTbar in Santa Ana, California in June of 2005. This remarkable gathering featured the artists of the True Colors collaboration that was chronicled in the book
True Colors - A Palette of Collaborative Art Journals published by
Stampington & Co.
The workshop was a three day event featuring the amazing artists who had participated in this collaborative. There were classes, lectures, and a chance to actually see the 16 True Color journals in person. Also sign-up sheets for those of us who wanted to do our own round-robin of colorful journals.

Since there were 13 of us in the group, in a hearty burst of anti-superstition, we decided to call ourselves"The 13 Journals Group". For 15 months our books traveled around the western United States as we filled each other's books with pages of the chosen color. Several of us were able to re-convene at The
ARTbar when the journals were done for a wonderful visit and reunion.
The top photo is the cover of my journal Ocean, and the bottom one my spread from the same. Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing my pages from all the journals. Another wonderful outcome of that workshop was my friendship with the fantastically talented and all-round crazy person
Lisa Hoffman.