Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Retirement Rehearsal

 So I'm taking 10 days off, not for a trip,
 but to stay home and see what it will be like, 
lo those many years from now when I can finally retire!

I plan to spend LOTS of time in the studio,

 have large chunks of beach time,

play with my cat,

hit several of my favourite  journaling spots,

and of course, catch up on my reading!
I'll keep you posted.


  1. i think you will find that your 'dance card' will fill up very quickly. soon you won't remember how you were able to run your life and do all the things you love to do, need to do, and want to do - while still working a full time job. . . at least that is what happened in my case.


  2. Rebeca - I have no doubt of that! I always find it interesting when people say they have nothing to do after they retire - I can't wait to do all the wonderful things I only get to do now on weekends, evenings and holidays!

  3. That photo makes your cat look like a big lump of lazy cat, when really, he's nearly all fluffiness and muscle! I think you owe him the posting of a more dignified picture! Signed, his co-owner

  4. This is a GREAT idea!
    I recently took 6 days for myself, and it was so luxurious in its non-structuredness. And I also thought about my far away retirement and realized that, contrary to what I'd assumed, I could stand it!!

    Have a wonderful time!

  5. Chris - I can't wait to "stand it!

  6. GENIUS paint display. How did I miss that at your studio!!???

  7. Lisa - How did you? You just need to come back and see it!

  8. I wish Lisa would come visit you when I'm visiting you, that way I could finally meet her!
    I came back to ask how you liked your time off? Could you do it always?!

  9. Chris - It was fantastic - the feeling of expansiveness. If I couldn't finish a project on one day, I knew I'd have time the next day. I could so do it always!
