Thursday, December 31, 2009
Art on a Scarf
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Cigar Box Wednesday

Just a bit of a departure this last Wednesday of the year. Not about what's in the cigar boxes, but where to get them. I'm sure everyone knows you can go to your local cigar shop and pick them up. There are still a few proprietors that will save them for you and even make a gift of them. Others will charge a nominal fee. Thrift stores, swap meets and flea markets will usually turn up a few and I guess some of you might actually know someone who smokes (more and more rare these days). But the best sources are on-line cigar sites. They will send you empty boxes for around $1.00 a piece, $2.00 each for the classy wooden ones. Try Thompson Cigars and Black Cat Cigar Company. And then of course, after they come, you have the fun of filling them up with fantastic ephemera!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Artful Abundance
I look forward to many evenings of eager perusal - eye candy and inspiration to last throughout the coming winter.
Monday, December 28, 2009
How Cool is That?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Life on the Coast
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Happy Boxing Day!

Friday, December 25, 2009
From the Bookshelf - Merry Christmas

Tasha Tudor wrote and illustrated countless books in her long lifetime, including several beloved Christmas volumes, Take Joy, The Doll's Christmas, The Christmas Cat, Corgiville Christmas and others, but I know for my girls and me, Becky's Christmas will always hold that special place in our hearts. An extra special Merry Christmas to Bronwyn who is spending her first Christmas away from home - we love you sweetheart.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
A Joyous Christmas Eve
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
All that Snow!

And my all time favourite holiday movie. When it first came out in 1954, I was only two, but in 1966 when it first was shown on television I had a ringside seat. I was a big fan of both Danny Kaye and Bing Crosby in my younger days, and have always loved Christmas - so this was heaven on film for me. I went so far one year as to use my little mini reel to reel tape recorder to capture the entire movie, so I could listen to it again and again. Which I did - to this day I can quote entire scenes at the drop of Santa's hat. You can imagine my delight when it was released on video in the late '80's and I could watch it, uncut and no commercials every holiday season. The highlight of my personal history with White Christmas was about 5 years ago when a local movie theatre (the old fashioned kind that only has one movie at a time) actually did a weekend screening of it. What fun to see it on the big screen!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Their Sound has Gone Out
My all time favourite holiday album. Lorena McKennitt's voice is magic. The selections include traditional carols performed in non-traditional arrangements and new pieces that will steal your breath with their haunting beauty. This recording is now 15 years old, but is as fresh as new fallen snow.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Winter Solstice
At this darkest time in the long calendar of year,we celebrate the return of light as each day now becomes just a bit longer and lighter and closer to Spring. Glad Yule and Happy Solstice!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Holiday Road Trip!
Friday, December 18, 2009
From the Bookshelf

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Travels in North Africa II
I had taken this book along for a "Show & Tell" session we had one night at dinner, and grabbed the opportunity to enliven the page with Anne's delicious paper.
In this shot you can catch a glimpse of the end papers that I added - wonderful Italian paper that I found at FLAX in San Francisco for - wait for it - $.25 a sheet!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Cigar Box Wednesday
I've got the clay, I've got the molds - I even have the dedicated toaster oven - So Chris when are you coming up to play?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Travels in North Africa
This is an altered book that I began a year ago. Then, when I devoted 6 months to getting ready for Open Studios Tour, it sat at the back of my work table. It's been a pleasure to have the time to actually get to work on it again.
Monday, December 14, 2009
On the Fence
Sunday, December 13, 2009
"Tis the Season!

A rainy weekend, off to find the tree. Then after decorating, a warm fire, Enya's holiday music playing softly and a cup of Cadbury's hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and nutmeg.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Guadalupe Day
beautiful wife Margot.
Friday, December 11, 2009
From the Bookshelf

And Joyous First Night!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Monet's Paint Box
Then I delved into my cigar box stash - the one labeled Art Stuff - and found old brushes, really old tubes of paint, palette knives, etc. I attached these in their various compartments using E-6000. I printed out several Monet paintings and then collaged them to canvas board using matte medium. On the fold out flaps of the box I adhered stickers of Monet's paintings and dabbed acrylic around the edges.
Viola! You can almost see the ripples on the pond and hear the late spring breeze as it kisses the wisteria on the Japanese bridge. The paint box silently waits for the master to return from his midday meal in the Giverny dining room, to pick up a brush and capture the afternoon light on the water lilies.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
This Frog I Like
Anyone who knows me, knows I don't like frogs. Well, that's putting it mildly. Actually I'm really scared of frogs. One of those irrational fear things, like mice or spiders or '70's disco music.
But flower frogs I love. I'm not big on fancy flower arrangements, mine are always just sort of casually done. But, flower frogs make great brush holders! These are the cheapy (around $.69)
brushes that I use for my red rosin paintings and this is a great way to have them to hand. This frog I like!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Life on the Coast
Rusty Metal
Lichen-encrusted Railing
A morning walk filled with found object art - but just a bit too big to put in an assemblage! Enjoy your weekend.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Art Day
We had a Creative Urge Art Day at our house at the beginning of the week. Margot and Destiny spent the time going through shoes for Sassy Feet and playing with the above- Shiva Oil Paint Sticks. Lots of luscious colours.
Friday, December 4, 2009
From the Bookshelf
I pulled this favourite volume off the shelf during the holiday weekend and was delighted anew at the marvelous eye candy and excellent techniques presented within. Carol Owen has put together a mini-workshop in shrine making - including using foam board to create the structures.
A gallery spotlights all different types of shrines from many of our best-loved artists including Lynne Perrella and Judi Riesch.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
300th Post!
I don't know if all these people are holding balloons and celebrating my 300th post - but I choose to think they are! Because, hey, it feels like a party everyday, getting to visit with all of you who drop in here "by the sea". So raise a glass - or a balloon! - and join me in a happy toast to the next 300!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Cigar Box Wednesday
For several years now I've been amassing WWII memorabilia with the thought of eventually doing an altered book about my dad and his service in the Army Air Corps. As a kid, I can remember looking through my parents' photo albums of pictures from that time, my dad's medals and stripes. I have no idea what happened to them.
So as I peruse thrift stores, flea markets, swap meets, antique fairs and eBay I've tried to recreate what I remember from the album and what I know of where my dad served, his rank etc.
I've found a vintage 78 record album of service songs - "Anchors Aweigh", "The Caissons go Marching Along", etc. and plan to use this as the substrata for the project. I'll keep you posted.