Wednesday, December 23, 2009

All that Snow!

And my all time favourite holiday movie. When it first came out in 1954, I was only two, but in 1966 when it first was shown on television I had a ringside seat. I was a big fan of both Danny Kaye and Bing Crosby in my younger days, and have always loved Christmas - so this was heaven on film for me. I went so far one year as to use my little mini reel to reel tape recorder to capture the entire movie, so I could listen to it again and again. Which I did - to this day I can quote entire scenes at the drop of Santa's hat. You can imagine my delight when it was released on video in the late '80's and I could watch it, uncut and no commercials every holiday season. The highlight of my personal history with White Christmas was about 5 years ago when a local movie theatre (the old fashioned kind that only has one movie at a time) actually did a weekend screening of it. What fun to see it on the big screen!

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