Monday, November 29, 2010

A Week for Openings!

Towers & Spires

Almost two years ago at a workshop in Taos, Anne Bagby urged us to "Get your work out there!". Well, this year I've certainly taken her advice. I was counting up the other day and by the time this year draws to a close I will have participated in 15-count 'em-15 shows and exhibitions in 2010. The last two both open this Friday night December 3.

The Pity of War

Towers & Spires
will be available for view at Cambria's Allied Arts Gallery for the next two weeks. And The Pity of War as part of the "War and Peace" exhibit at the Steynberg Gallery in San Luis Obsipo, which runs through the end of January. You were so right Anne, there's nothing that improves one's art like "getting it out there!"


  1. Wow, congratulations on all your exhibits this year. That must be a great feeling to share your creations with others. I hope to do that someday too. For now, lots to learn and discover yet. Your blog has become one of my favorites as you share a lot of interesting items, places, and of course your wonderful art.

  2. Anne will be SO proud! You're doin' it.
    Love the profile pic too!

  3. What an achievement; I knew you were participating in a lot of shows but would not have guessed it as high as 15. You realize that is remarkable, especially for a woman with a life and a job. Congratulations. You offer encouragement to us all.

  4. I have missed many posts! This is really cool, Erin.
