Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Brilliant Workshop in Engalnd

Lynne Perrella spent a three day weekend in England a couple of weeks ago and has been e-mailing all of us and raving about the work her students produced. Go to this link and see why.

Lots of lovely pictures like these and a beautiful video that makes you want to quit whatever you're doing and get thyself into the studio NOW!

I know that every time I've studied with Lynne I've gone so far beyond what I thought I was capable of and my art takes gigantic leaps. Sounds like her English students feel the same way.


  1. mmmm, wonderful inspiration...I thought you were going to say 'I have to get myself to England'!!

  2. Stephanie - Well, I'd always like to get myself to England! It's been 5 years since I was there and I must admit, I'm having withdrawal symptoms!
