Friday, December 20, 2013

From the Bookshelf

This delightful children's book follows a family through the entire holiday season, from baking and decorating, visiting and shopping, from the first sight of red ribbon in a shop window to the boxes of used wrapping and dangling tinsel put out in the dustbins. All through the book are the wonderful pictures of Peter Spier - this is a "true" picture book - no words. And yet, the story is told in the bright, ringing tones of a Christmas bell. Out of print and rather expensive (even on Amazon) you should find a copy at your local library.

From start ... finish!


  1. The measure of a classic. Yes, it IS expensive, even on amazon and the illustrations do look charming. A nice Christmas share, thank you. xo

  2. Marylinn - I found mine in the '80's when my girls were young, we loved pouring over the pictures together and recognizing so many of our own traditions within the pages.

  3. Oh, this looks yummy. I hate it that such treasures are out of print...

  4. Chris - It is a shame - but if one is diligent, they can often be found on-line or in a musty wonderful little old used book store.
