Friday, April 22, 2011

From the Bookshelf

Those of you who know me are undoubtedly very surprised to see this on my blog. I make no secret of the fact that I am not a fan of the "young women with their heads tilted to the side". It seems to be all one sees in certain mixed media magazines in the last couple of years. Sort of the new version of the "wings and dunce caps" that were so prevalent in the past.

That being said I have to admit I really enjoyed this book. Kelly Rae has a wonderful story to tell; of her life, her art and how she turned her circumstances around. Lots of great inspiration in her writing, and loads of wonderful techniques - by Kelly and her guest artists. Even if you, like me, aren't a tilted head fan - this is a volume worth looking in to.

It is sometimes very good to end up liking something you thought you wouldn't. In this case, I'm delighted to stand corrected.


  1. Erin, it's nice to know that this old dog has a chance of learning a new trick, of perhaps learning to like something I might right now be fed up with. Those 'certain magazines' drive me to distraction, and I have a feeling I've already seen more tilted heads, angel wings and dunce caps than I can bear. It's as bad as the fashion industry--one designer does X and the ripples go through the mixed media community at the speed of light, and soon everyone is following. Though I confess to buying those magazines, trying to understand how things work the way they do, and it is fun. As a beginner, I have no right to be so opinionated, but as a woman of a certain age, I reserve the right to be a crabbéd old thing. I do enjoy coming here to your site, even if I've not been commenting of late. Thank you.

  2. Melissa - I buy them too, and then grind my teeth over the myriad of art work that looks just the same. What's with the tilted heads? I guess we women of a certain age will never know, LOL!

  3. Isabel - Ah! So maybe the next trend will be whiplash collars!
