Here comes summer, and what's more fun than spending some time by the water indulging in fish tacos and a shrimp
quesadilla on the outside
habour-view patio at our local fish market and grill.

We stood in line, we ordered, we grabbed our table and waited.
Mmm... hungry. Finally our number was called, I went to pick up our tray and brought it back. Margot had barely picked up a piece of her
quesadilla when a huge seagull landed on the table, grabbed the plate - not just the food, but the plate! - and
flew off with it. It hit the ground and a least a dozen gulls surrounded it and in 8 seconds flat - no
quesadilla! All that remained of Margot's dinner was the paper plate, a bit of lettuce garnish and a smear of salsa on the chest of the thief.

Good thing I'd ordered 2 fish tacos and was willing to share!