Saturday, February 28, 2009
Domine Deus

Friday, February 27, 2009
The Father of Us All

It was fascinating to see all the intricate pieces, as in the drawers above; tiny wrapped bundles of paper. The hardware cloth along the edge was a favorite material of Cornell's, and he often used the cutout bird shapes.

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Pyrate's Lunchbox
The top of the box held a rag filled with pieces of eight, a compass and telescope, and this book. Made from a vintage photo album, the front is embellished with skull medallions and encaustic wax. It opens to reveal several piratical pages using vintage images, a fold-out map and more encaustic wax.
The final spread features this grisly guy in all his buccaneer glory!
All photos courtesy of Destiny Carter
It was a kick to work on and a delight to see how pleased Destiny was on receiving it.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Theatre of Dreams

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Poor Eunice!
PS. Big thanks to Lisa and Chris who alerted me to weird problems with my comment section. It's all fixed now, so comment away with impunity!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Red Rosin, Red Rosin

Path to Hades, I covered the entire paper with cheesecloth, sandwiched between two layers of gesso, allowing the cloth to extend beyond the edges of the paper. The bottom piece, "Doorway to Paradise" makes extensive use of diamond shapes and cord embedded in the gesso undercoat.
Lynne Perrella
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Rainy Sunday, Green Hills

If we keep having rain once a week or so for the next month and a half, things will stay gorgeously green through May. And then, rich tans and pale golds will recapture the landscape til the rains come again in late autumn or early winter.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Black Paper, White Snow

Friday, February 20, 2009
What a crew!

Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Somnolent Prince
But what's with noses?! All of my faces look like they had had a horrible mid-face accident. And yet, if practice makes perfect - I should have some better noses as time goes by.
I used my best face for this little piece that I call "The Somnolent Prince". He's backed by canvas with cheesecloth laid over it and painted. The figure is made from collaged paper and his wooden hands and feet are covered with the same. His buttons are made from doilies with buttons in the center. A chipboard crown, painted gold, is embellished with a lacquered and embossed washer, and his scepter consists of two decorative wooden squares, again painted gold, attached to a coffee stirrer and tied with lengths of French ombre' ribbon.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Show and Tell
Nuestra señora del Oxido
Our classes with Anne Bagby resulted in Santos - depictions of saints, sacred clowns, etc. - representational or abstract. I was able to complete two and am pleased with both of them. The above, uses a rusted piece of metal for the female saint's crown or corona - hence her title, which translates to "Our Lady of Rust". The body is canvas, the face polymer clay, wooden crosses and canvas boards are painted and covered with bits of collaged paper.
The second piece "Mano de Dios"-"Hand of God" started with an old painted board that I found in the woodpile on the porch by my room. Delightfully worn and peeling, it became the perfect backdrop for a plastic backscrather, painted red and rubbed with gold,and then adorned with the face of a peasant saint outlined in gold acrylic. This was placed atop a length of frayed burlap. The small wooden dowels at the top of the piece reach to heaven. Two found hardware objects, one in the hand and one at the bottom of the board complete this Santos.
Mano de Dios
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Winter Wonderland!
Monday, February 16, 2009
What a workshop!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Off to Taos!

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Seeing red
"The light, the camera and things holding."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Not your ordinary bathroom!
During the last week Corey Amaro over at Tongue and Cheek has been telling of her adventures painting her bathroom in va
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Perry Girls Ride the Range
Monday, February 2, 2009
First post from the coast!
Well, I'm finally doing it. And I actually figured out most of it myself. Thanks and kudos to Destiny Carter for the very cool banner and to my wonderful wife Margot for computer support and hand-holding. This is my birthday month and I had made a promise to myself to take the blogging plunge in February, if not before, so here goes!
It's a lovely 76 degrees here in Morro Bay today, the ocean is five or six shades of blue, the sun warm, the sea breeze cool. Doing an amazing amount of errands and packing, getting ready for a trip to Taos this Saturday. My Christmas/birthday/anniversary present is the Lynne Perrella/Anne Bagby joint workshop at the Mabel Dodge Luhan house next week. Woo-hoo! Very excited, nervous, as always before a workshop, but hearing Lisa's wise words in my heart; "retain your authentic self BEFORE walking into class."
Mabel Dodge Luhan House - Taos New Mexico
Welcome to my little piece of the coast here at Altered by the Sea.