Click on this and have a blast carving your own pumpkin! (I couldn't figure out a way to save the image, so I ended up taking a picture of it.) Have a spooky time tonight!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Click on this and have a blast carving your own pumpkin! (I couldn't figure out a way to save the image, so I ended up taking a picture of it.) Have a spooky time tonight!
Friday, October 30, 2009
From the Bookshelf

Found myself browsing through this again the other day and devouring the eye candy. Don't we all love to collect? And don't we all love to see each other's collections? Lynne Perrella visits 35 artists and discovers the whys and wherefores of creative collecting. A joy to read and a feast for the eye. And, it's nice to know - others are as obsessed as I am!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Cigar Box Wednesday

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
New Homes for Art
Monday, October 26, 2009
Encore Weekend- Day Two
It has been a delightful and rewarding experience to share my artwork with so many people; friends, co-workers and the many, many art lovers who dropped by the Altered by the Sea studio to see my pieces.
It's often said that the artistic life can be a lonely one and the making of one's art is a solitary pursuit. It was wonderful to get so much positive feedback and be able to talk to everyone about my work, techniques, and inspirations. A big warm thank you to everyone who helped make this event a possibility for me. And special appreciation to those marvelous women of the mixed media world; Lynne Perrella, Anne Bagby and Lisa Hoffman for believing in me before I believed in myself.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Encore Weekend - Day One

a tale of two brothers during the Great War
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Midtown Kiosk
Friday, October 23, 2009
From the Bookshelf

If you read mixed media magazines then you have come across artists' profiles written by Ricë Freeman-Zachery. She has a wonderful knack for getting creative types to open up and tell us about their work. Her first book - Living the Creative Life - talked to several different arists about how creativity forms, changes and is their life. This one, Creative Time and Space deals with how artists make room for their art - physically, emotionally and intellectually and how they find the time - that precious commodity - to bring creativity into their lives. Both books are well written, nicely edited and an attractive smaller size. A pleasure to hold. and a joy to read.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Fall Colour

Here on the Central Coast we are having shorter days, a tiny bit of fall colour and a chill in the air early in the mornings and late evenings. As so many of you do, I love this time of year; the return to warming fires and lit candles, a smell of cider in the air, gorgeous smudge-y sunsets and that feeling of homey nostalgia.
These glorious autumnal photos were taken last year when Margot and I went back to visit our friend Franny who lives in the Jamaica Plains area of Boston and has a delightful lakeside cabin in New Hampshire near the Maine border. It was my first trip to New England and the colours made my heart sing.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Cigar Box Wednesday
An interesting box, filled with architectural items - windows, doors, and pillars - wood, glass and plastic. Some I found at a hobby store going out of business, some at a swap meet, and the pillars at Michael's.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Alexandra's New Shop!
If you follow my blog you know that I've often mentioned my friend and colleague Destiny Carter -computer whiz, web designer, brilliant graphic and fine artist. Well, I'm blessed to be surrounded by talented, artistic people at the library. Another of my co-workers, Alexandra Salkeld, has just opened an ESTY shop - Rock Water Jewelry featuring her beautiful creations. Click on the link and prepare to be dazzled. And how lucky am I to get to work with these gifted artists every day?!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Open Studios Day Two
Close to 70 people today at the Altered by the Sea Studios and -TADA! - lots of sales. Again, everyone loved the art and seemed really interested in learning more about altered books and assemblage.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Open Studios - Day One
Doing it all again today from 10:00-5:00. If you're in the Morro Bay area - drop by!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Runic Bird # 2 & # 3
Runic Bird #3
# 3 features three small plastic eggs and a large wooden one. Scrapbook paper provides the background, and a rustic chalkwear bluebird (Cayucos Antique Street Fair) keeps watch. Once again, runes grace the outside on the box. But the most interesting embellishments are the 8 ivory Maj Jong counters -when I spotted these at the Santa Monica Flea Market summer before last I had to have them. (The seller wouldn't break up the set, so I have lots and lots of them. I gifted Marylinn Kelly with a handful, and would be glad to send some out to any of you. Just let me know.) Two more pieces, available at Open Studios , which opens today!
Friday, October 16, 2009
From the Bookshelf

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Paris, 4:20 , 1923
A small box, lined with 7 Gypsies paper, embellished with a vintage pocket watch-time forever 4:20, a porcelain doll's head, and three rusty bits; a heavy ring, a post finial and the one on the left. I'm not sure what it is- sort of looks like a abstract pelican- picked up in a job lot of rust at the Cayucos Antique Street Fair last spring. Another for this weekend's Open Studios Tour.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Cigar Box Wednesday
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
An assemblage done in a vintage desk drawer (a lucky e-Bay purchase); old sheet music, pictures of eggs, ceramic and plastic eggs, the upper half of a metal clarinet, the inner workings of a music box, ceramic hands, a bottle cap with a picture of a humming bird, a tiny French santon of a chicken, a small nest, birds - cast iron ,brass, resin, pewter and ceramic, a cigarette card, feathers, ribbon and a variety of wooden type spelling out Oiseau.
This was one of those pieces that sat around for months while more and more bits and bobs were collected and piled in the drawer. Then one day I sat down and Viola! there it was. And here it is ready for Open Studios.
Monday, October 12, 2009
A Measure of Time
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Take a Walk on the Boardwalk
And that's what I'll be doing today, in-between all the myriad tasks that need to be accomplished before next Saturday when Open Studios begins!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
From the Bookshelf

Thursday, October 8, 2009
White (?!) Pelicans
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Cigar Box Wednesday
Sas Colby did a wonderful piece of them dated and sewn together - every tea bag from her morning tea for 265 mornings. And a local artist in Cambria made a small quilt, using over 300 tea bags, called "Tea Cozy".
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Above the Fold!
Less than two weeks - Open Studios Tour opens Oct. 17 - I don't look nervous, do I?