Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cigar Box Wednesday

Tea bags. Used tea bags. Carefully dried and saved tea bags. Now I know we all collect things that people-who don't do mixed media and assemblage art- would wonder about. I'm pretty sure used tea bags fall into that category. This is one of three, or is it four, boxes of them on my shelves. As of yet, I've used a few in type drawer assemblages.

The First 265 days of 2006 -Sas Colby courtesy Sas

Sas Colby did a wonderful piece of them dated and sewn together - every tea bag from her morning tea for 265 mornings. And a local artist in Cambria made a small quilt, using over 300 tea bags, called "Tea Cozy".

I don't have any big plans for them yet. I love the delicacy of the bags, and the boxes smell divine when the lids are lifted. An added plus is the lovely tea stained paper towels I dry them on.When one begins assemblage art it's just a given that there are going to be people out there who look at you with wonder and scratch their heads!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say... a quilt called Tea Cozy? made of dried tea bags? Stunning!

    I also have to say that I used to feel guilty about leaving my used tea bags out so long that they dried up. I always meant to dunk them a second time, but I didn't want more tea, and there you go... dried tea bags. Little did I know I shouldn't have thrown them out!
