For the last several years at the beginning of the year I've picked out a book that divides itself easily ( by 12, by 50, etc.), that I then read a portion of on a weekend morning every week, with a nice cup of coffee before I get up for the day. Past volumes have included Simple Abundance, You Are your Choices, Romancing the Ordinary, The Creative Habit, The Crafter's Devotional. When the book is divided into days, I read 7 at once on the weekend morning, when it's divided into months I divide the chapter into four and read that much. I read ahead a bit, or, catch up if I'm out of town for a weekend. It's a nice way to start my time off each week and gives me plenty of food for creative thought during the following days.
It's delightful to pick out the book for each new year and to divide it in such a way that I find myself finishing the last few pages when the final weekend of the year rolls around. (I know that's sorta geeky, but hey, it keeps me happy!)
The one I've picked for 2011 is 365 Travel. A travel story, anecdote, or tip for each day of the year. Since the economy has curtailed our trips abroad, this seemed like the perfect choice - a little armchair traveling every weekend.