Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cemetery Saturday

The Old Chatham Graveyard near Lower Kimball Pond in New Hampshire. We explored this on a cool, overcast day one October. The graves span the centuries from the 1700's to the present time.

Some so worn and lichen speckled as to be nearly illegible, but still standing despite 300 years of New England winters.

It was sobering to see memorial stones for soldiers from the revolutionary and civil wars, both world wars, and even more recent conflicts, all resting here along a quiet country road surrounded by the brilliance of the fall colour and the susurration of the wind through the trees.


  1. Wow what great photos and wonderful posts. When I read your cemetery posts it reminds me of old family days. When I was a kid and we would go back home to Missouri, my aunts would always take us to old cemeteries and we would look for relatives. One of my aunts was a librarian like you and before computers, she loved to do family history searches and so we were always off on an adventure to a cemetery somewhere. Love your posts..

  2. Susurration? Susurration? Someone has been reading too much EAP in her spare time.


    Your rustling, whispering, sister.

  3. that certainly is some lichen! I've never seen anything like it. Thank you for the photos.
