Monday, January 31, 2011
Monday Brunch @ a French Bistro
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Cemetery Saturday

Friday, January 28, 2011
Cambria Art & Wine Festival
Lots of fun in Cambria this weekend - the annual Art & Wine Festival. Local wineries, local artists, silent auctions, art demos and more. Starting today and running through Sunday. I will have two pieces in the silent auction on Saturday.
Both depicting local scenes - hopefully will go over well with the punters! See you there.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Fun in Solvang

Daughter Bronwyn and I drove down Hwy 101 for a couple of days in Solvang - Little Denmark in the Santa Inez Valley. I first visited here with my aunt and uncle about 50 years ago, and have been often. We've enjoyed shopping, walking the quiet streets and tasting the goodies on offer.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Cigar Box Wednesday
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
More fun than a Kindle!

How cool is this? I've often been accused of taking way too many books with me when I travel - but this lovely vintage Vuitton holds just a few more than even I could pack in my soft-side carry on! Interesting to think that the entire contents of the above would probably fit on an e-Reader and slip into your pocket. But what would be the fun in that?
Monday, January 24, 2011
Homemade Give-away
Found this idea on Scrap Panda - here's how it works:
I promise to send something handmade to the 1st 5 people who leave a comment on this post.
Then they, in turn, post this and send something they made to the 1st 5 people who comment on their blog post.
The rules are that it must be handmade by you and it must be sent to your 5 people sometime in 2011.
Simple, right? And has the potential to be fun. C'mon, give it a try - everybody's doing it!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Welcome Home!

Today I'm driving up the coast to pick up our daughter Bronwyn who has flown out from Missouri for a visit. She's very excited about being back in California after two years away.

There are a lot of things she she's missed, and we plan to take care of one of them right away - apparently there's no In 'n' Out back in the Midwest!

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Cemetery Saturday

The solitude was wonderful here. Lovely stretches of green, beautiful old trees wearing their fall plumage, serene ponds and winding paths through the grave sites.

As always in the older burial grounds, very poignant to see so many small tombstones with children's names, or just "baby" engraved thereon.

Truly a place to rest in peace.
Friday, January 21, 2011
From the Book Shelf

Not an art related book this time, but my new favourite author - Kate Morton. I've been a bit behind, her first book The House at Riverton came out in 2006 and the next The Forgotten Garden in 2009.

I read them both a few months ago and was hooked. This young Australian writer has a sure hand, a delicious sense of mystery and does excellent and intensive historical research. Her third book The Distant Hours is just out and, I feel, the best yet.

In all of her novels, Kate uses a wonderful plot device of weaving the story lines between modern times and a point in the past; WWII, the Edwardian summer, WWI, etc. This can be cliche in the hands of other writers, but this author achieves a seamless meld that keeps one reading far into the night.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
More Pages
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Cigar Box Wednesday
Here's a series I did called Runic Birds
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Handclasp on a Silent Night
The Christmas Truce of 1914, after six months of fighting in WWI, seems almost the stuff of literature or films. That opposing forces would lay down their arms, sing carols and meet in no-man's land, to shake hands, exchange small gifts of tobacco and food during the bloodiest conflict of the 20th century was truly a miracle.
The piece will be included in my upcoming show The Pity of War, this April at the Allied Arts Gallery in Cambria.
Monday, January 17, 2011
I'm Loving this Journal!
Last month I prepared and started using this journal. It began life as a 3.5x5" thick pocket dictionary published 75 years ago. My last journal was big, about 9x11", so I wanted to go small this time around.
I went through, counting out three pages and then removing the next three. This done, I gessoed the sets of three together to make pages thick enough to take paint and collage, and to semi-cover the printed page.
I used 7 Gypsies gaffers tape to stabilize the covers and stamped fleurs-de-lys on top. The brass ornament is the hanger from an old picture frame, attached with E-6000.
The small, chunky feel of the book is a delight and I'm having a wonderful time filling it with jottings and collage. More pages on Thursday.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Life on the Coast
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Cemetery Saturday

Friday, January 14, 2011
From the Bookshelf

And the materials are just as varied - leather, stone, crystal, silver, chili peppers, pine needles and of course, wood. Full of beautiful images that will spark many a creative piece. Especially wonderful for those of us that make shrines and art for Dia de los Muertos.
Amazon has used copies starting at $.33!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Zippity Do-Dah!

How cool is this?! One of our library patrons walked in last week with this beauty hanging on her arm. She gave Destiny permission to take the photo and me permission to blog about it. Is this one of the coolest purses you've ever seen? All those zippers, in all those colours. And the best part - yes - each zippered compartment actually opens to a small storage place - I know! She says she's had it forever and doesn't remember where she got it. It's like a burst of happy whenever she brings it in.

I found this one on-line - the last they had - and snapped it up. It's zipping it's way to my mailbox in 5-7 days!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Cigar Box Wednesday
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Coventry Carol
This piece is part of The Pity of War series that will be my solo show this April at the Allied Arts Gallery in Cambria. The exhibit will include altered books and collage/assemblage paintings of WWI and WWII.
I started this piece with swaths of Lumiere Super Copper and Pearlescent Blue and Liquitex Unbleached Titanium, then used matte medium to adhere 5 descending sized Xerox copies of a picture of the ruined St. Michael's Cathedral in Coventry after the 9 continuous hours of German bombardment in November 1940. Grey Fresco-Flakes were attached with heavy gel medium over the piles of rubble in the photos. A marvelous stencil from Mary Beth Shaw was used to create faux stained glass patterns in red and blue, an Anne Bagby stamp adds a gothic border using Staz-On black ink. Splatters and drips cover all.
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