Dia de las CalaverasEvery year our library system, which consists of 16 different branches scattered throughout San Luis
Obsipo County, has an All Staff Day. All library employees gather and we have workshops and guest lecturers and get to visit with each other. As part of the day's festivities every branch brings a "gift" basket for the door prize drawing at the end of the day. This year, my library - the
Cambria Branch library, decided to do something just a little different. Since all four of us who work here are artists, we each created a piece for the basket. So our basket contains a beautiful piece of jewelry, a
raku pot, a painting and my contribution - the above assemblage.

It seems so much more fun than the ubiquitous scented candles and boxes of truffles. We figure if someone wins who just isn't into art at all - they will be all set for some lovely holiday gifts.