Tuesday, August 4, 2009

For Lisa

For Lisa

This is a piece I made for Lisa Hoffman, as a big thank you for having me stay these past several days and also for some very inspiring words she told a group of us at the True Colors Workshop at the ARTbar in Santa Ana, California back in June of 2005. Words that spoke of not comparing your art with everyone else, of not feeling less or inadequate, of being true to yourself, of going into every class and workshop eager and excited, not frightened or apprehensive.

I've carried these words with me over the last five years, in my heart and my head. I know I'm a better artist because of what Lisa said to us at that early morning journal gathering. I've learned so much and my art has grown and flowered in ways that would not have happened had I not heeded her wise words.

So this is a very small way to say "thank you Lisa" - an gift from the heart from an artist that your words helped to create.


  1. Okay...this, THIS is what makes it all worthwhile.
    Not only do I get the deep satisfaction of knowing that my words touched someone, but I get a lifelong friend in the deal? It doesn't get any better than this.
    Thank you for the kind words, thank you for taking a moment to let me know how you feel and more than anything: thank you for jumping into your Creative Depths with Courage and Passion.
    I will carry your words in my heart.
    By the way, the amazing piece has ALREADY gotten ooooohs and aaahhhhs. oxoxo

  2. Erin,
    This is special, when someone speaks so clearly to you and that you hold on to that and carry it forward!!!

    Great piece!

  3. Welcome back, Erin (whose blog actually continued in her absence). I cannot imagine why we are here on the planet unless it is to encourage each other along our paths and acknowledge our gratitude for the advice and companionship. A wonderfully expressive piece of art, a meaningful story freely shared.

  4. What a great gift from one great person to another!!
