Bleiler, wonderful artist and workshop coordinator
extraordinaire, recently completed a 6 week residency in Venice (I know!). While she was there I realized I was about to use my last marbled paper covered pencil (purchased in 2005 when we were in Venice). And I thought "Aha! I know someone in Venice right now."

Lyn very graciously agreed to help me out and brought home this round dozen of marbled beauties. They arrived in the post a few days ago from Lyn's home base in
Taos. Not only are they lovely, but holding one is like a little bit of Venice in your palm.
Brava, Lyn and
mille grazie.
Your marbled pencils remind me of my first job at the Huntington Library and visits to the Bindery, located in the basement via a creaky, metal cage elevator, therein to inhale the glue, leather and paper and gaze upon marbled sheets of (unknown to me) vintage. How fine to have a friend help replenish your supply.