Friday, September 23, 2011

From the Bookshelf

I found this little gem at a library discard sale for a couple of bucks. It is one of the famous Tashen Icon series and is packed full of wonderful engravings. So interesting to look at and look again and again, as each one is full of layers and layers. It is impossible to see everything on the first viewing. Eye candy that keeps on giving! I know lots of this public domain work will be xeeroxed and find its way into layers of my work.


  1. Any Tashen books for a couple bucks...the art school library, where my son works, has many of their Tashen books behind lock and key in Special Collections. Nice find. xo

  2. Marylinn - It does pay to have first crack at the library sales! Being a county librarian doesn't pay particularly well - but oh! those perks!!!!
