Monday, April 27, 2009

Elephant House

Fascinating book - Elephant House or The Home of Edward Gorey written and photographed by Kevin McDermott.
Who among us in the artistic/mixed media world doesn't love Edward Gorey? This is a compelling look at his much loved and "oh so Gorey-esque" dwelling place.

The two things that delighted me the most were the sheer impossible and amazing amount of books in all the rooms! and the lovely vignettes on tables, window sills, door moldings, etc. of random and weird stuff.

If you love Gorey's work, you'll love this heart felt and beautifully photographed tribute.

1 comment:

  1. There were three things that made me sad when I went to the Gorey house-
    1. that we weren't allowed upstairs to see his studio
    2. that almost all of his books-his personal collection, the man had a TON of books-are outside in his barn. He had so many books the floors in his home started to sag. ;)
    3. I found out after he died that if you knocked on his door, he would invite you in, but you never made it very far into the house. I would have loved to have met the man. I fell in love with his work at a young age through "Mystery!" and reading the John Bellairs books that he illustrated...
